how do i cancel emirates residence visa after it has been issued

How do I cancel Emirates Residence Visa after it has been issued

16-Nov-2024 0 0
If you want to leave the UAE permanently, you must cancel your residency visa in writing. The Emirates Residence Visa Cancellation is a relatively simple operation, with your sponsor doing the majority of the job. You just need to be cautious and double-check a few items to ensure a smooth and incident-free operation. Before starting the process, pay off any debts, sell your car, and cancel your tenancy agreement and utility bills. This will save you time and aggravation during the visa cancellation process in the UAE. Today, we'll go over what you need to know about canceling a UAE visa in this article. 

Eligibility to Cancel Residence Visa

You are unable to initiate an Emirates Residence Visa Cancellation procedure on your own. Your residency visa can only be revoked by the person or organization that supported you. If you have an investor visa, however, you can start the process on your own.

Steps followed by Company to Cancel Emirates Residence Visa

If your sponsor is a corporation, it must first apply to the ministry of human resources and Emiratisation to get your labor card and contract canceled. This application needs your signature.
Your work permit must also be revoked by your employer. It cannot be done, however, unless you sign a letter stating that you have paid your dues, gratuity, repatriation costs, and other benefits that you and your employer agreed on.
You will obtain a clearance statement shortly after your company has applied for the revocation of these documents, which will assist you in submitting a Cancellation Documents to GDRFA (the general directorate of residency and foreign affairs).
Investors must prepare official paperwork, which includes the local sponsor's not as well as details on liability transfer. Additionally, they will be required to request copies of the sponsor's emirates id. They'll also need to check that the bank has cleared all unpaid debts.

Process for canceling a visa in the United Arab Emirates:

In the UAE, there are two ways to apply for an Emirates Visa procedure. You can either go to a GDRFA-approved typing center or do it online.
  1. Visiting a registered typing center in person
  • To begin the process of canceling your visa, go to any typing center that is registered with the GDRFA.
  • Submit the necessary documents to Emirates Visa cancellation procedure
2. To cancel your visa, bring the following documents to the center:
  • Copies of your sponsor's passports, a copy of his or her visa page, and a declaration of all financial obligations
  • Your emirates ID card and passport in their original form

3. Please notify the GDRFA branch of your specifications.

Inform the GDRFA branch management that you want to cancel your visa as well as the visas of your dependents.
GDRFA will provide you with an application. GDRFA officers will provide you with an application form. If you've received it, sign the form and have your sponsor sign it as well.
4. Pay a visit to the GDRFA's headquarters.
Visit the GDRFA headquarters after signing the cancellation application and bringing a copy of the sponsor's passport, visa page, emirates ID card, and original passport.
Your emirates id card must be returned.
Your emirates id will be requested, and your passport will be stamped and returned to you.
Note: if you are unable to complete the visa cancellation process, your sponsor can do so on your behalf by providing a computerized extract of their residency visas or an original passport.

Online cancellation:

You may also order the cancellation of your visa residency status online. Visit the GDRFA website to begin the application process. You can also use the GDRFA app, which is the city's first-of-its-kind Dubai government services smart app, to register for the visa cancellation process. Visit the GDRFA office after submitting your letter. To complete the residency revocation process, bring your emirates id and original passport.

Time Required for Emirates Residence Visa Cancellation

After your visa is revoked, you have 30 days to leave the UAE.

Visa Cancellation Without Passport

If you are currently residing in the country and wish to cancel your work visa, you will require a passport.
GDRFA not only assists you in canceling your visa but also allows you to verify the status of your UAE visa online. 

Visa cancellation for family members:

Only via an approved typing center or the immigration office could a sponsor of a family visa cancel the Emirates Visa. Your cancellation request will be filled out and sent electronically through an online application by the typing center. Cancelation approval is usually received within an hour.
If you chose a typing center for the cancellation, you will only be given the cancellation copy printout after approval. (A cancellation stamp will not be placed on the visa page of the passport, and it is not required.) If you want to get a free cancellation stamp in your passport, you can either send the cancellation directly to the immigration branch office or carry the cancellation paper provided by the typing center along with the applicant's original passport.
So you must have got the answer for How do I cancel Emirates Residence Visa after it has been issued. For more details regarding Emirates Visa visit Emirates Visa Online.

Apply Emirates Visa

Frequently Asked Questions

The sponsor or person who is applying for cancellation of residency visa should attest the document if applying online. And if one is doing it in person then they should carry and submit all the required documents. It is mandatory to submit the Emirates residency visa cancelation form with the valid signature of the sponsor. Original passport of the applicant as well as the copies of the sponsor's passport. Visa page copy of the applicant, Emirates ID, and document of clearance certificate (financial liabilities). 

Yes, if your employer has hired you and sponsored your residency visa. Then your employer has to apply for an Emirates residency visa cancelation. It is mandatory to cancel your UAE work permit before applying for cancellation of residency visa. Your employer can visit the GDRFA office in person or just do it online on the GDRFA website. 

If you are in the United Arab Emirates on an investor residency visa. And if you have no intention to live longer, then you must apply for cancellation before leaving. Investors can send requests for residency visa cancellation to the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs. The NOC document signed by the local sponsor has to be submitted while sending the cancelation request. You must share all the information related to shares, investment settlement, and information about the transfer of liabilities. You must submit your sponsor Emirates ID.

After completing all the procedures, sending requests, and application for canceling Residency visas. Then within one to two working days Emirates, a visa can be canceled. The canceling time of UAE visas for foreign nationals is not long. Although if one has to cancel a work permit or employment visa first. Then it may take two to three days more. The Emirates residency visa can be canceled just at the airport before leaving the country. You should do it in advance before leaving UAE.

The Emirates residency visa cancellation process can be done by your sponsor or with the proper agreement from your sponsor. You can request for cancelation of the United Arab Emirates residency visa by directly visiting the typing center in your locality. After that steps like filling out, attesting document, and applying is carried out by the authorities at the GDRFA typing center. Visit the FICA website to send a request for cancelation without visiting the typing center. You can go to the GDRFA website for submitting an online request for residency visa cancellation inside the United Arab Emirates.

Expatriates who have made the final decision to leave the United Arab Emirates permanently. Then they have to cancel their residency visa first to leave the United Arab Emirates with ease. You should send the application for cancelation and do advance arrangements at least one week before leaving the country. The application can be processed within. 1-2 days, but other arrangements may take more time.

You will get the mail or information through SMS after the immigration authorities cancel the residency visa. You do not have to leave just after canceling your Emirates residency visa. You have the time of one month to leave the United Arab Emirates. You must pay all of the debt, pay a fine (if any), complete a tenancy agreement, etc.

The cancellation charges for the Emirates residency visa is AED 110. If your sponsor is canceling your residency visa on your behalf. Then your sponsor has the responsibility to cover the cancellation charges. You must pay AED 110 for the cancellation of the residency visa for your dependents.

Those who left UAE without completing the Emirates residency visa cancellation process. Or foreign nationals who left UAE without resigning from the job, paying off debt, penalties, without informing their sponsor, and without any proper documentation. Then your sponsor can abscond you and it would not be easy for you to enter UAE again.

The sponsor of the foreign national can cancel the residency visa online using the GDRFA website in Dubai. Or sponsor can use another e-channels website of FAIC if they are applying for cancellation from Abu Dhabi or other Emirate in UAE. The sponsor has to send the Emirates residency visa cancellation request online on the GDRFA web portal. The other option that one can choose for sending Emirates residency visa cancellation requests is the smart GDRFA app. After submitting an application, uploading a document, signing the application, and paying a fee. The sponsor or the person who wants to cancel their residency visa should visit the GDRFA office for the next steps. Emirates ID and passport must have been submitted so that the residency visa can get canceled.

Yes, you must have a canceled work permit to be eligible for UAE residency visa cancellation. Your employer who hired has to cancel the work permit. Your sponsor must send the application to the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation website for canceling the work permit. All the documents can be attached electronically for canceling your work permit. The application is processed temporarily and after the cancellation of the UAE residency visa. An applicant's work permit is also canceled permanently. Your sponsor has to submit the signed letter ensuring that the employee has received benefits, salary, and has done all the settlements. For canceling a work permit, your sponsor will need a few documents. Employee original Identity card, passport copy, UAE residence visa copy, labor establishment copy, e-signature, company trade license copies, and a copy of investment establishment document. The cost of the UAE work permit cancelation fee can be between AED 100- AED 200.

Yes, all the dependents which can be your relative or family. Then it is mandatory to cancel their UAE residency visa. If you are the sponsor of your family member then you have to send a cancellation request on the GDRFA website. The Emirates residency visa cancellation process must have to be completed before your Emirates visa cancellation process initiate.

Your sponsor has the whole responsibility to cancel your Emirates Residency visa. The Emirates residency visa cancellation process can be done online or offline. For offline process, visit the nearby GDRFA typing center for visa cancellation. Submit the required document at the GDRFA typing center. Give the detail regarding the extra requirement like canceling your dependent UAE visa. After that pay the fee to collect the UAE visa cancellation application. Fill out the form, sign it, and with the sign of your sponsor. After completing the form you should visit the main department of GDRFA with all documents including passport, Emirates ID, etc. Emirates ID should be submitted back after which the authority stamp the expatriate passport. Your sponsor can apply for your UAE visa cancellation on your behalf. Or you can also apply for UAE residency visa cancellation. But you can only do it with the proper approval and signature of your sponsor.

If your family is staying in the United Arab Emirates with you on a family visa. Then you have to apply for their UAE residency visa cancelation if you are the sponsor. You can cancel the family visa by visiting the nearest typing center in your locality. The application for family visa cancelation can be sent through typing center or online at the GDRFA website. You will get a printed copy of the family visa cancelation at the typing center. You have to visit the immigration department to get a cancellation stamp on the sponsored person's passport. You will need the original passport of your dependent as well as your valid passport. You should take your valid Emirates ID while applying for the cancellation of a family visa.

Yes, if you stay outside of the United Arab Emirates for a straight 6-month without any visit. Then the Emirates residency visa is canceled on its own after 6-month. You must take ICA approval or apply for an entry permit to enter UAE again. 

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