vehicle renewal registration in emirates

vehicle renewal registration in emirates

16-Nov-2024 0 0

Registration of vehicles in the emirates is simple and straightforward, as the majority of services can be accessed through intelligent channels. This post helps you to understand the whole process of Vehicle Renewal Registration in Emirates thoroughly.

Process of Vehicle Renewal Registration in Emirates

Testing of the vehicle

It is mandatory to have your car tested by one of the licensed test facilities in the country when your vehicle is older than three years.

Regulated RTA Test Centres, which include two 24 hour Centers (the Al Qusais Tasjeel and the Fast Registration Center), are located in several parts of the city. Most vehicle inspection centers in Abu Dhabi serve 24 hours. The test and registration center for vehicles operate in Sharjah Tasjeel from 7 to 9 p.m. and the test center for vehicles in Ajman Shamil from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Similarly, in other Emirates car test centers have extended hours to assist consumers in taking advantage of the test facilities for their own convenience.

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Fine Payments

Fine payments can typically be made electronically, but you need to personally visit the registration center for the payments if you are using black points or locked fines. You must go to this vehicle check-in center in this emirate to pay the penalties if your blocked points have been from another emirate. Dubai RTA's website makes payments online of all Dubai fines and all fees of the other emirates to be made through the website EVG (Emirates Vehicle Gate).

Insurance Arrangements

In order to renew the registration of vehicles in the UAE, car insurance is valid for a minimum of 12 months. 

Registration Renewal

The next and final move is to make the vehicle registration renewal after all has been finished. This is available online from the Dubai RTA (for plates only in Dubai) or from the EVG (For all other emirates). You will have to send your new registration Card to your preferred address in two to three working days after you complete the online renewal of your vehicle registration.

The RTA smart kiosks at various locations in Dubai and the Ministry of internal kiosks situated in the other Emirates can also renew your inscription.

Until you start registering your vehicle, Make sure:

  • Valid UAE visas are valid for you
  • You have clear national identification of the UAE
  • The registration renewal exam for your vehicle is passed
  • Both fines are charged on your file number and driving license
  • You do have auto insurance available for the next 12 months.

Vehicle Registration Renewal Through Third-Party Services

You may also benefit from the services of any reliable third parties such as the Car Registration Renewal if you do not wish to complete all of the above-listed vehicle registration renewal measures yourself. When you book your appointment, they will collect your vehicle, take the necessary steps, including insurance plans, and return the car with a new registration card.

Consequences of Non-Renewal of Vehicle within Correct Time Frame

After the registration of your vehicle has elapsed, you have a maximum of one month and must register your vehicle for that period of time. Failure to drive a car without valid insurance and expired plates is an offense, and often radars capture expired number plates, which can result in 500 AED fins with several black points and also impose the vehicle for a minimum of seven days. Don't change it, therefore, and renew your registration on time.

Car Registration Renewal 

From 22 March, for the three-month period that follows, vehicle owners can, through the Ministry's website or through the MOI UAE app, renew their registration without a visit to customer centers in the Google Play and App Store. Renewal can be made without the need to inspect or compensate for infringements of the car.

At the Dubai Emirate, if the vehicle registration has not expired for more than six months, vehicle owners will renew their car licenses electronically without having performed a technical examination.

The RTA website, the RTA Dubai App on Google Play, and the App Store or the Dubai Drive AP is available on Google Play and the App Store. Return to the car registration system.

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Driving License Renewal 

Just one year from 29 March 2020 onward, motorists with expired driving licenses may be renewed online without an eye examination and irrespective of their fine and black dot status.

The Ministry of Interior or the MOI UAE app on Google Play and App Store are the means for the renewal of the driving license. Source: Home Affairs Ministry

In the Dubai Emirates, motorists may apply for their driving licenses to be renewed and receive a digital driving license either through email on the website of RTA or via the Google Play and App Store RTA Dubai app.

So this is all about Vehicle Renewal Registration in Emirates that you must know of. For Emirates Visa Services, you can contact

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Frequently Asked Questions

If you are trying to sell or drive a car without registration or renewal of your vehicle. Then, you will need to pay AED 500 fine. If you are driving a car with an expired number plate, and license. Traffic radar in the Emirates can easily detect the expired registration vehicles on the highway and try to avoid heavy fines and penalties.

The car registration in the United Arab Emirates remains valid for 1 year. After 1 year duration, you will get extra 30 days for registration without any fines.

The applicant can open the MOI website for online vehicle registration. Give your Emirates ID information and other asked details. Select the vehicle service in the traffic service section. Applicants will need to select the renewal vehicle registration on the MOI app. Submit vehicle insurance and inspection report. Pay fee and fine (if any). Applicants will get the renewed card of their vehicle at the given address in the form.

The steps for vehicle renewal registration in Emirates can be completed online or offline. You can visit the MOI or RTI government portal for online vehicle renewal registration in the Emirates. Complete the paperwork, document submission step, and pay the fee for vehicle registration. The applicant vehicle must be tested by the licensed or recognized RTA centers by the government in the United Arab Emirates. The applicant will need to pay the fine if they are late for registration of a vehicle in the Emirates. You must present the car insurance. Complete the process and provide the address for the new registration card of your vehicle.

The total fee for vehicle renewal registration in the United Arab Emirates is Dh 365. The cost of registration of a vehicle is Dh 350 and additional charges for home delivery is Dh 15.

People of the United Arab Emirates or foreign ex-pats should send the application for vehicle renewal registration in the Emirates after every year. Testing of the vehicle, maintenance, registration, and insurance are important to provide proof for the ownership, legal rights, etc.

You will need to submit a valid UAE residence visa or Emirates ID for Vehicle registration in Emirates. You must be a UAE citizen, or foreign national with a valid residency visa and passport, or a national of GCC countries. You will need to submit documents related to the testing of the vehicle from the recognized RTI center. Clearance of fines and penalties on your vehicle. Documents of your vehicle insurance for the registration and renewal. Applicants old vehicle registration card and your vehicle testing certificate.

The applicant must have a valid residency visa in UAE, a valid passport, and Emirates ID. Otherwise, they won't be able to apply for Vehicle renewal registration in the Emirates. Applicants in UAE to submit these documents online on the MOI app. If you are applying for vehicle registration in Dubai, then the applicant should submit these documents on the RTI app. 

You can only sell or transfer the ownership to the buyer after clearing the fine and dues on your vehicle. You will need to register the vehicle, vehicle insurance, and vehicle test before selling it.

Yes, it is possible to check the expiry date of the vehicle-renewal registration online. You will need to open MOI or RTI app. You will need to select check vehicle expiry for details. You just have to give the vehicle plate number. 

The fine or penalty for the late renewal of vehicle registration in Emirates is Dh35 for one month. You will have to pay the fine to the UAE road and transport authority. 

The grace period for renewal of vehicle registration after expiration is 30 days or one month in the United Arab Emirates. During the 30 days Grace period you will not have to pay extra fees, interest, fines, or penalties.

Yes, it is mandatory to apply for Vehicle renewal registration in UAE. Otherwise, you won't be able to use the vehicle after a certain time and you may have to pay a fine for late registration or no registration.

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